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1st and 2nd November 2019, 

Iontas Building, First Floor, Maynooth University

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Prof Par Kumaraswami


Par Kumaraswami is Professor of Latin American Cultural Studies at the University of Reading. She was a founding member of WISPS, being elected its President from 2004-2007. She completed a PhD (2004) in reading women’s testimonial writing from the Cuban Revolution, and her research interests lie in the social functions of literary culture in post-59 Cuba, and particularly in reader reception. She has published extensively in the area of Cuban cultural studies, including her joint-authored book, with Antoni Kapcia, Literary Culture in Cuba: Revolution, Nation-Building and the Book (Manchester University Press, 2012) and her single-authored book The Social Life of Literature in Revolutionary Cuba: Narrative, Identity and Well-being (Palgrave/Macmillan 2016). She is the Principal Investigator for a 5-year Leverhulme Trust research project (2014-2019) based in eastern Cuba about culture, identity, nationhood and globalisation in the Cuban periphery.

Dr Raquel Ribeiro

Raquel Ribeiro.jpg

Raquel Ribeiro (Porto, 1980) is a journalist, writer and a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She took a BA in Journalism and Communication Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), followed by a PhD in Hispanic Studies at the University of Liverpool on the idea of Europe in the works of the Portuguese woman writer Maria Gabriela Llansol. She was the first recipient in the Humanities of the Nottingham Advanced Research Fellowship (2010-2012), at the University of Nottingham, where she developed the postdoctoral project: “War Wounds: Cultural representations of the Cuban presence in the Angolan civil war”. In 2013, she was awarded a Gabriel García Márquez Fellowship in Cultural Journalism at the Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano (FNPI), in Colombia, and has been a jury for the Garcia Márquez Ibero-American Journalism Award since 2014. She taught Brazilian Literature at the University of Oxford before joining the department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at Edinburgh in 2014, where she teaches Lusophone literatures and cultures. Raquel has also been a permanent arts freelance correspondent and literary critic for the Portuguese newspaper Público since 2001. As a creative writer, she published two novels and several short-stories. She is a member of the Cuba Research Forum (Nottingham).


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Friday 1st November,

Iontas Building, Maynooth University


9.00 – 9.30             Registration

9.30 – 10.00           Opening address: Room 1.33

Dr Gemma Irvine, Vice-President for Equality and Diversity

10.00 – 11.00         Keynote address: Room 1.33

Prof Par Kumaraswami, University of Reading, 

‘Why I’m no longer talking to white men about race and gender’

11.00 – 11.30         Coffee break

11.30 – 12.00         Q&A: Room 1.33

Colombian Ambassador Patricia Cortés Ortiz

12.00 – 13.30         Panel 1: Room 1.33

Violeta Parra and Paquita la del Barrio


Chair: María Belén Rabadán Vega


Lorna Dillon (Ulster University):

Violeta Parra as a Folklorist and an Experimental Artist 


Patricia Vilches (Harlaxton College):

The In-Between Spaces in Violeta Parra


Mercedes Carbayo-Abengózar (Maynooth University):

Sampling Motherhood with Paquita la del Barrio


13.30 – 14.30         Lunch          


14.30 – 16.00         Panel 2A + Panel 2B

Panel 2A: Room 1.33

Resilient Women

Chair: Mary Farrelly


Deborah Madden (University of Manchester):

El código femenino: The Feminist Politics of Matilde de la Torre (1884-1946)


Sónia Coelho and Susana Fontes (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro):

Virgínia Faria Gersão (1896-1974): Teacher, Grammarian and Politician


María Belén Rabadán Vega (Maynooth University):

The Fictionalised Biography of Eva Perón by Juan Bautista Lacasa Nebot

Panel 2A: Room 2.31

Latina Looks: Representing Latin American and Latina Women in Literature, Film and Transnational Fandom


Chair: Ivan Kenny


Niamh Thornton (University of Liverpool):

Modulating Movements: Performance, María Félix and the Scousebrow


Pascale Baker (University College Dublin):

Chica Lit: Renegotiating Chicana Identity in the 21st century


Catherine Leen (Maynooth University):

Riding Like a Girl: Cycling and Chicana Activism


16.00 – 16.30         Coffee break

16.30 – 18.00         Panel 3A + Panel 3B

Panel 3A: Room 1.33

Space in Literature

Chair: Raquel Ribeiro


Karolina Válová (Universidade Carolina):

Imagens do lar nas prosas de Teolinda Gersão


Alexandra Dias (University College Dublin):

Cinematografia em Teoria Geral do Esquecimento


Ivan Kenny (NUI Galway):

That Other Unreality: Place, Non-place and the Fantastic in Julio Cortázar’s ‘The Island at Noon [La isla a mediodía]’


María Liñeira (Maynooth University):

The Unmappable Male World of Post Wartime Spain in Los girasoles ciegos by Alberto Méndez

Panel 3B: Room 2.31

Memory, History and Affections in Literature

Chair: Mercedes Carbayo-Abengózar


Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (University of Warwick):

Exile, Memory and Sentiment in the Novels of Carla Guelfenbein


Inês Faro (Université de Montréal):

Where are we? Effects and Affects in ‘I Only Came to Use the Phone’ by Gabriel García Márquez


Begoña Garrido (University of Reading):

Between Ration Cards and Socio-Political Purges: The Darkest Years of Franco Spain and Basque Women’s Strategies and Narratives of Resistance.

18.00 – 19.00         AGM: Room 1.33

20.00                      Conference dinner at Avenue       

Saturday 2nd November,

Iontas Building, Maynooth University


9.30 – 10.30           Keynote address: Room 1.33 

Dr Raquel Ribeiro,University of Edinburgh,

‘Witches are Dangerous Women: Gender and Creativity in the Lusophone World’

10.30 – 11.00         Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30         Panel 4A + Panel 4B

Panel 4A: Room 1.33

Gender and Crisis in the Lusophone World

Chair: Inês Faro


Serafina Martins (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa):

Outros nomes da crise económica na literatura portuguesa contemporânea


Olivia Glaze (University of Oxford):

Reading Between the (Front) Lines: A Critique of the Colonial Wars in Novas Cartas Portuguesas


María Clara Arraes Peixoto Rocha (Regional University of Cariri):

Lei de diretrizes e bases da educação no Brasil: Uma análise do projeto de emenda à lei orgânica no município do Cratoce que proíbe as discussões sobre gênero nas escolas

Panel 4B: Room 2.31

Cultural Metaphors

Chair: Alison Ribeiro de Menezes


Claire Williams (University of Oxford):

Following in Her Footsteps: The Interaction of Biography and Travel Writing in Viajar Com… Maria Ondina Braga and O Rio de Clarice: Passeio Afetivo pela Cidade’


Mary Farrelly (University College Dublin):

Heavenly Queens: Dolly the Drag Queen's Mystical Avatars


Par Kumaraswami (University of Reading):

Gendering Granma? The Feminisation of Literary Culture in Granma Province, Eastern Cuba

12.30 – 13.30         Lunch


13.30 – 15.00         Panel 5A + Panel 5B

Panel 5A: Room 1.33

Visual Representations in Spain and Latin America

Chair: Alicia Castillo Villanueva

Rodrigo Cañete (University of Warwick):

Trauma, Disease and Utopia in Liliana Maresca and Batato Barea’s Aesthetics


Tara Plunkett (University College Dublin):

‘Mujeres Madejas’: Delia Cancela and Remedios Varo


Eva Cabrejas (University College Cork):

Encuentros Visuales: los murales en Oventic – Chiapas y su compromiso con el conflicto de género


Lesley Twomey (University of Northumbria):

Joanna of Castile: A Mad Queen? Identity Politics and a Queen in Sixteenth-Century Castile

Panel 5B: Room 2.31

Gender Issues in Literature and Film

Chair: Olivia Glaze

Alejandra Crosta (University of Oxford) and Mirna Vohnsen (Technological University Dublin):

Representing Difference in Sebastián Lelio's A Fantastic Woman (2017)


Caragh Wells (University of Bristol):

What literature Teaches Us About Psychoanalysis: Carmen Martín Gaite’s Ritmo lento (1963)


Kate Quinn (NUI Galway):

Sidekicks and Sleuths: Women Detectives in Chilean Crime Fiction

15.00 – 15.30         Coffee break

15.30 – 17.00         Panel 6A + Panel 6B

Panel 6A: Room 1.33

Gender Violence in Spain and Latin America

Chair: Par Kumaraswami

Alicia Castillo Villanueva (Dublin City University):

Por tu bien y Néixer, reflexiones audiovisuales sobre la violencia obstétrica


Rosa Senent Julián (Dublin City University):

Good Service (“She didn't complain”) Versus Bad Service (“Counted her money twice”): Exposing Prostitutors’ Discourse on Prostituted Women and Girls

Lucia Elena Arantes Ferreira Bastos (Independent researcher) and Inês Virgínia Prado Soares (Universidade Estadual de Campinas):

Do Symbolic Reparations in Brazil Help Women to Escape from Silence and to Transform Their Lives?

Cinta Ramblado (University of Limerick):

Female bodies and the body politic in contemporary Spain: misogyny, violence and sexist terrorism

Panel 6B: Room 2.31 

Transnationalism and Lusophone Women Writers


Chair: Alexandra Dias

Phillip Rothwell (University of Oxford):

A Transnational Imperial Hangover in Margarida Paredes’s O Tibete de África


Alexandra Reza (University of Oxford):

Transnationalism in 1960s Conakry: Journal Networks and Radio Women


Ana Maria Martinho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):

Insularity and Transnationalism in Vera Duarte and Dina Salústio


17.00 – 17.30         Book launch: Room 1.33

Portrayals of Jews in Contemporary Argentine Cinema by Mirna Vohnsen

Introduction by Dr María Belén Rabadán Vega


17.30 – 19.00         Wine reception

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WISPS XX Annual Conference

Maynooth University, 1st and 2nd November 2019





In 2019 WISPS celebrates its twentieth anniversary. To mark this important milestone we would like to invite academics conducting research into Luso-Hispanic Studies to join us and make the WISPS XX Annual Conference at Maynooth University a memorable event.


We welcome proposals from members and non-members of WISPS and from male and female academics as well as postgraduate students in the fields of feminist theory, history, linguistics, literature, cultural and textual theory, audio and film studies, performance studies, politics, anthropology, geography, queer theory, and theatre studies relating to any of the cultures of Spain, Latin America and the Lusophone world.


We invite 200-word proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes or for panels, consisting of three papers of 20 minutes. We also welcome proposals for workshops and round tables. In WISPS we are especially interested in cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary work. For panels, the panel convenor should send 200-word abstracts for the three papers. Selected papers will be considered for publication with the Journal of Romance Studies.

We accept proposals in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


Please send your proposals by 15th July 2019 via


All contributors will be notified by 29th July 2019


For any queries please contact the conference organisers: 


Mercedes Carbayo-Abengózar at or Mirna Vohnsen at

Three postgraduate travel bursaries of up to £175 (€195) each will be available and bursary holders will not pay for conference registration.

If you are a postgraduate student and want to apply for our travel bursaries, please send a CV, a detailed breakdown of anticipated costs and a short personal statement - indicating why you want to attend WISPS, how this conference will benefit your academic career, and if you are in receipt of funding from another funding body- together with your abstract to If you have already submitted your abstract, please send only the CV, the breakdown of costs and the statement. 


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*If booking at Glenroyal Hotel, please quote ref GA000263 to avail of discounted room rates.

If you want to become a member of WISPS please contact


Maite Usoz De La Fuente: or

Daniela Omlor:

The membership fees are as follows: 

£25 for members in full time employment (reduced to £22 if paid by Standing Order. You will find a Standing Order form by clicking here.)

£20 for members who work part-time

£15 for postgrad and retired members 

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